Friday, March 11, 2011

Sunday School - March 13, 2011

Affirmation: I do not depend on what I can do, but on what the Spirit of the Lord will do through my situation.

Giving thanks in the midst of an adverse situation, a difficulty intended to undermine your faith and destroy you, enables you to take hold of that situation and set it apart to God and His purposes. - Bill Johnson

The prince of this world is also known as the god of this age. The enemy attempts to block heaven's will from being done on Earth through a demonic hierarchy that is positioned between us and the third heaven. - Barbara Yoder

"The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so that they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God. - 2 Corinthians 4:4

A witness of Jesus Christ is one who knows Him and is interested in introducing Him to others. Any person who says, " I don't need to witness; I just let my life speak,' is self-righteous. - Ros Rinker

The cliche 'charity begins at home' has done more damage than any other in the English language - Trevor Huddleston (English missionary)

Affirmation: Instead of conforming to the image of the world I begin to conform to the image of the reborn Spirit within me which is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Are we prepared to set ourselves apart for the Holy Spirit's ministrations in us? - Oswald Chambers

The most telltale symptom of surrender to slavery is grumbling and complaining. The one who complains has lost the faith; he had already given up in his heart. - RicK Joyner

So do not be foolish but learn what the Lord wants you to do. - Ephesians 5:17

Faith is where you take the biggest spiritual risks in your life, especially within your calling. Exercising faith is fundamentally a risk. Each and every time you "step out" within your call to obey God you take a risk. - Dennis Cramer

In you, Lord Jesus, I place my faith. I contend for the faith that moves mountains and touches the Father's heart. Revive me with miracle working faith. Amen - William J. Seymour (September 1906)

Affirmation: I see beyond my eyes and live for the unseen. My future is not ahead of me - it lies within me.

God has given you a skill or ability the world needs. He has been waiting for your birth. - Myles Munroe

How can you hear God speak, in His soft and tender way, when your hurried thoughts create a whirlwind within? Be quiet, and He will soon be heard. - Francois Fenelon

"For God alone my soul waits in silence; from Him comes my salvation." - Psalm 62:1

The Spirit of God is calling us forth, taking the truths of time and eternity and using them to awaken us out of complacency. If our hunger for intimacy is ever to be satisfied, we must have Him whose affectionate love is far better than the best wine of earthly experiences and possessions. - Mike Bickle

Those who draw water from the wellspring of meditation know that God dwells close to their hearts. - Toyohiko Kagawa (Japanese evangelist)

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